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"Roland Hohberg, who in 1998 started the first private recording studio in Mozambique, has certainly made a difference. His studio and live music promotions company have created opportunities for Mozambican artists."

- Lara Allen, Songlines Magazine

"It’s no accident that producer Roland Hohberg, an emigré from Germany with an intense love of African music, garnered critical praise and popular success at home and abroad."

- Marie Elsie St. Léger , Rhythm Magazine

"Producer Roland Hohberg marshalled some of the country's finest musicians and came up with a triumph, matching anything to come out of Africa recently."

- The Scotsman

"Roland Hohberg hat mit dem Aufbau seines bemerkenswerten Musikstudios und seiner Konzertagentur für viele mosambikanische Musiker neue Perspektiven geschaffen."

- Peter Zimmermann , Deutsche Welle

I know from long experience that it is difficult to find albums by bands from Mozambique. At the request of lovers of authentic music from this beautiful country, where I have worked for more than three decades as a music producer, talent promoter and tour manager. I now decided to offer a download option. From time to time, I will be expanding the list with more titles. So stay cool and feel free to drop by here sometimes. With your passion for music and respect for the artists, have fun and enjoy the music!


My special thanks to Peter Gabriel (Real World), Phil Stanton (Riverboat, World Music Network) and Claude Nobs (Montreux Jazz Festival) for their support in promoting artists from Mozambique. Thank you to my friends and colleagues, from whom I learnt a lot: Brenda Fassie and Lucky Dube from South Africa, Stella Chiweshe and Oliver Mtukudzi from Zimbabwe, Gito Baloi and Edson Azagaia from Mozambique and Ryuichi Sakamoto from Japan. 

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